Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Been Away for Awhile

It seems as though life has kept me busy and I have neglected by website and my blog.  It feels good to reacquaint myself with the web and catch up on the news in the wheelchair world.  I have been working some longer hours and also trying to take care of my health. 

We as grandparents must take time away from work and watch the grandchildren play ball and perform at dance recitals!  We enjoy cheering them on in their performances! Proud?!?!  Yes - of course!! With summer comes family reunions, picnics, ice cream socials and much more.

My husband and I have joined the YMCA/YWCA and have lost some weight. He has been recovering from two total knee replacements and this has kept both of us keeping up with doctor, therapy and exercises.  We are looking forward to our trip to Jamaica later this year! What a motivation!  Still have a few more pounds to take off before we go.

Just read about the Wijit Lever Driving and Braking System.  It sounds like it would be very beneficial to some of my patients in the skilled nursing setting.  I would like to have a system to try with a couple of the residents, but cost can be a factor and then there is selling the idea to the administrator about improved mobility and strength.

Does anyone know how much these cost? Can they be added to the manual wheelchairs that nursing home residents use? A little more research and a couple of phone calls might be in order.