Saturday, January 14, 2012

Blogging is a new tool and I am not sure of what to write about.  The week ended with a holiday party for the company I work for.  I enjoyed the Mongolian Grille and wonder what restraunt will be in that location next year.  Last year it was Yong's and like this one you get to pick out your food and watch it cook. Although I liked the entertainment from the cook's last year better. Check back next year as the rotating restraunt saga continues....

It can be frustrating to operate the electronic devices we have - the laptop, the android cell phones with all their app updates.  What does a person ever get done besides checking for updated messages, emails, and phone calls, oh yeah, the main reason we have these little gadgets! Right?!?!

Although they are wonderful when you need them, they can also be annoying.  I am old enough to remember growing up there were party lines and a rotary dial phone attached to the wall. (No private phone conversations with your boyfriends!) You knew when the neighbors on the line were getting a phone call (by the sound of the faint ring) and if you were a snoop you could quietly lift the receiver and listen in, but don't be noisy or they would know there was someone eavesdropping!

Nowadays, the world might come to an end without your cell phone.  Some people don't even have a "landline" .  Snail mail (the USPS) is still in business, but one wonders for how long.  The banks, utility companies and retailers all want you to use plastic or transact business online. Wonderful when you have an internet connection and electricity. What happens when you don't?

What happened to knowing your neighbors, having neighborhood get togethers, block parties or what ever term you want to call it?  Do you even know who your neighbor is, what is their first name, do you know?

Will the art of conversation and "visiting" with one another become extinct or rare as some species of animals?  One has to wonder.....

And here I am blogging on a laptop, next to my husband who is also "on his computer" as the phrase goes.  Can you remember when there were no computers in your home?  If you can you are probably older than 30 years and, what about t.v.?  That is a whole nother topic.  Is nother a word?  The first t.v.s were black and white, then came color.  They sat on the floor or on the table top if they were small.  Now the big heavy  t.v.s are being replaced with "flat screen" models.  I don't own one...yet.

Televsion is not such a big deal to me.  I don't have satellite or cable...I once did. But I couldn't see the sense of paying $60.00+ per month to watch a few television shows a week, and then spend most of the time "channel surfing" and never seeing a show in it's entirety. 

Just some of my thoughts on a cold Saturday evening in January.  What are some of yours?

1 comment:

  1. Nice site, It strikes a nice balance of the concept. I had a natural tendency towards 'mindfulness' from a young age. I am glad that I will definitely be coming back here more often. Wish I could add to the conversation. Thanks for sharing.
    Power Wheel Chair

    Keep Posting:)
